cat kidney health

Have you thought about your cat’s kidney health? Here’s why you should.

Here at VitaCat, we’re cat people (if it wasn’t obvious!). We’re passionate about helping people care for their cats by looking after their health. But when it comes to minding our feline friends, it can be hard to know where to begin. That’s why this week on the blog, we’re breaking down why you need to look after your cat’s kidneys and how to start.

1 in 3 cats suffer from kidney disease.

Kidney disease in cats is quite common, which means working in a preventative manner is essential. This is one of the most common diseases for geriatric cats in particular – over 80% of geriatric cats are diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease. 

Kidneys are essential for eliminating toxins.

Kidneys are responsible for maintaining fluid balance in the body, which helps them flush toxins out of their body. Particularly if your cat doesn’t tend to drink a lot of water, it’s essential to support their kidney health. There might be an issue with your cat’s kidneys if they have a noticeable increase in thirst and frequent urination. If your cat isn’t adequately maintaining their balance of fluids, they may begin to vomit frequently, develop mouth ulcers, become weak and fatigued, as well as have increased levels of ammonia in their blood. 

Kidney health is essential for your cat’s hormones and blood pressure.

Your cats produce their hormones in their kidneys. Without adequately taking care of their kidney health, they have an increased risk of hormone imbalances and deficiencies. Their kidneys also manage their blood pressure and red blood cell production; this is why when cats suffer from CKD, they can also suffer from hypertension and anemia.

If your cat’s kidneys start to fail, their whole body suffers.

Because the kidneys play such a large role in a multitude of your cat’s bodily functions, the impacts of kidney decline affect the whole body. Symptoms of preliminary kidney failure in cats include weight loss, decreased grooming, poor coat, weakness, bad-smelling breath, fatigue and vomiting.

Here’s how VitaCat can help.

We want to make caring for your cat’s kidneys a breeze, which is why we developed our Kidney + Urinary Support Cat Chews. Using Astragalus root extract and Rehmannia root extract, these chews are an easy way to give your cat the nutrients they need to support healthy kidney function. We did a clinical trial testing the impacts of the chews on senior feline kidney levels and found that levels of Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), Creatinine (how well kidneys perform in filtering waste from blood), and Phosphorus were all normalized after daily usage of VitaCat chews for 3 months.

Worried your cat might not want to take their vitamins? We get it. That’s why we made our  supplements easy to break up and mix in with your cat’s food. They are also formulated with tasty ingredients like carob, catnip, and chicken, so your cat will find them delicious.

We’re here to help support your cat’s kidney function through healthy, whole food supplements. Take the stress out of caring for your feline friends – we’ll do the work for you! Shop our kidney support supplements here.